IranPride 2017 Statement
Ranginkamaniha’s (Rainbows) statement for Iran Pride Day 2017
We are believing in the power of happiness, miracle of hope and the strength of colors, even in this world of superficiality and helplessness. Our grief is not dimmed, but we, the rainbows of Iran are screaming our happiness as a shape of resistance and we keep our euphoria alive as the torch of justice.
Awareness is brightness and by that we will take back our days from the night we all have drowned in, more than ever. Because we believe that humankind is remedial, and human being is beautiful and kind as strong as that can be relied on it. It’s possible to overcome ignorance that dominates the world.
Today and now, we are standing more consistent and more hopeful than ever. Today that the right to love is taken from us, the right of visibility and the right of walking in the streets of our country with the rainbow flag, now that “The Rainbow Friday” reached its eighth year, this belief is more persistent than any other time in our justice seeking movement. The right to our own body, the freedom of presence and being proud of who we are, are not only rights of LGBTIQ and marginalized to be gained but the fundamental and basic rights of every human that its absence is very felt.
For equality and human dignity, with the smile on our lips, and the flame of hope within ourselves, we are going ahead up to the destination… together.

First Iran Pride Day celebrations in Tehran 2010